Developed by Softube, the Marshall Plexi Classic Amp plug-in gives you the sound of this iconic amp with a perfectly placed microphone from engineer Tony Platt who recorded AC/DC’s Back in Black and Highway to Hell. Which is why the preamps on most audio interfaces sound quite similar Includes the Realtime Analog Classics UAD plug-in bundle Right out of the box. From Jimi Hendrix to Jimmy Page, Duane Allman to Eric Clapton, the Plexi’s punishing melange of snarl, sustain, smoothness, and raunch defined the sound of rock. With every purchase of a Universal Audio Apollo Product, it comes bundled with the Realtime Analog Classics Bundle. MADI Processor with UAD-2 QUAD DSP Plus Analog Classics Plus Bundle. The undisputed alpha dog of rock and roll guitar amps, the Marshall “plexi” amplifier is as legendary as the music it helped create. sound engineers to craft studio-quality mixes using Realtime UAD Processing and.